Friday 21 December 2012

Shopping for Pre-loved Dishwasher Online in Singapore

I would just like to share my experience of getting a dishwasher online.

Dishwashers are not common at all in Singapore. I've had people rolling their eyes when I told them that I was getting a dishwasher. I get comments like "Is it necessary?"  "Chinese cooking is not suited to dishwasher" "Dishwashers can't clean very well"... etc

Well, as a modern woman who believes in being using human wisdom (technology) to liberate herself from the chores of married life, I think dishwasher as mu top priority for appliance purchase.

However, a good dishwasher (Bosch) can cost more than S$1K in Singapore. So what to do?

Get second-hand ones online! I realised that dishwashers are very popular with angmos and lots of foreigners deployed to Singapore have one. When their contract ends, they sell the dishwashers online at a fraction of the costs when they leave Singapore.

Most the advertisements for dishwashers online are in good condition, some even still under warranty, and more often than not, you see phrases like hardly used. I believe, it's hardly used because after they come to Singapore, they would realise that it's cheaper to eat out than to cook, and hence the dishwashers that they purchased here would be underutilised.

There are usually quite a few advertisements per month online for second-hand dishwasher and prices can range from S$200-800 depending on age, brand and condition.

I went for a 3year old Bosch in good condition. The reason I chose Bosch was because I feel that if I'm getting anything second-hand, I would want a reliable (less likely to break down brand). Also most people online are selling Bosch second hand, so if I need a replacement, it won't be too hard to find another online. There are also people selling Elba dishwasher online, but second-hand dishwashers are already pretty cheap, so I don't feel I'd want a potentially lousier dishwasher that's most likely third or fourth hand.

 My Bosch baby was however self-collection. And I must warn you, dishwashers are damn HEAVY and BIG. I was driving a Toyota 1.6L with my hubby and we barely managed to fit it into the front seat. It was also potentially dangerous as the left side-mirror was blocked by the dishwasher and I had to be the extra pair of eyes for left turns. So go for delivered dishwashers if there's such an option!

Places to search for second-hand dishwashers are


PS: I got mine through Craiglist. Also, things posted online get picked through pretty quick, so you have to browse every few days.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Open concept kitchen in HDB

 We wanted a country feel to our kitchen, which I don't feel has really been achieved by the ID. I don't know if it's because it's hard to achieve with laminated boards or what, but it's not really like the inspirational looks that I had envisioned. What is lacking? Do you guys have any suggestions? Maybe some wooden moulding? Nice handlebars and knobs?

Because I felt that we had enough storage in the kitchen, I did not ask for more shelving above the sink. This way, my narrow kitchen would have more breathing space.

Blah. I think I'm going to ask my ID to add a glass display cabinets in the upper cupboards to break the monotony.
Maybe something like these above to display my plates and glassware.

Contractor or interior designer for HDB renovations? And fireplace in HDB living room?!?!

We've gotten the 3D drawings from our interior designer (ID) from IMM and we have since gone through 3 rounds of discussions to fine-tune the designs.

I'm glad that I had chose to go with an ID instead of a contractor as I realized that renovation costs a lot of money and it's good to have a picture in hand so you know what to expect. In my case, as this is the first time we are dealing with renovation, I decided to go with an ID just because I wanted a 3D drawing, which a contractor may not have been able to supply.

And I'm glad because our style for our 5 room HDB was a "country style flat with faux fireplace" which would have been difficult to visualise and possibly difficult for a contractor to fulfil. It's hard for you to visualise also right? So this is where the ID comes in. You can tell her what elements you like, what colour scheme you prefer and viola!  You can a drawing - then you can work with her to fine-tune it.  As I did not want a bland designs, I challenged our ID to surprise us.

*Note: If you don't mind the usual sleek modern designs, or just want to replicate a certain photo from Houzz or Apartment Therapy, I'd say go ahead with a contractor, as they will most likely be more affordable. Be aware of replicating looks though, I find that HDB flats comes with lower ceilings, exposed wiring, piping, ugly windows and grilles which may mar your attempts to replicate the look of ang mo houses.

For example, our living room took the longest to conceptualise

First Drawing: The colour scheme was good, but it felt a bit bland and run of the mill for me. So I asked for a faux fireplace TV console. This proved to be quite challenging for my ID....

Second drawing: Where do I start? This was miles away from what I was expecting. The fireplace looks so stodgy and squarish. And there is the wallpaper which I have no intention of putting up. So yes, a pictures says a thousand words and with this picture it was back to the drawing board for my ID.
So I sent her this inspirational look, which I thought look great! Don't you think so too? But alas! ID said that this won't fit our long living room layout and that this involved plastering, which was different from the laminated boards that were part of our package.  -_-

Third drawing: This looks more like a fireplace. Structurally, this is close to acceptable. But the colour scheme makes my living room look very cave-like and eerie. Not exactly the bright and airy feeling I was looking for.  My ID seems to have a thing for brick wallpaper, as you can see. ^_^; According to her, the plastering is difficult to render with the 3D software. This TV console/fireplace is actually functional, in that the bottom platform actually contains drawers. 

Here's an example of what I mean by functional TV console

So yes, at the moment the living room design is still a work in progress. For me, this design process highlights the importance of getting a ID for the 3D designs. With the 3D drawing, I will have enough time to evaluate if the designs are what I like and make changes before it's too late. :) Also important is an ID you can get along with. I've spoken to a few companies and you could tell that some of them were inexperienced or just trying to hard-sell you. I finally settled on this ID as I felt that I could connect with her and that she understood what I wanted. But I'd leave the final judgement on how good the company until I see the finished product :)

For the sharp ones, you might have also noticed that I've switched from "we" to "I" when I speak about designs. Yup, I'm the fussy and opinionated one. My hubby is pretty easy-going about the designs as long as its of good quality and look classy.

On a side note: When you google "hdb fireplace" you will come across this photo: 
No comments other than this

The obligatory pineapple roll for the new flat! Huat ar!

What a hectic month it has been! I've collected my keys to my flat last Friday.

The key collection from HDB was unfortunately marred by the incompetency of my bank loan specialist from a "neighbours first" bank. To cut a long story short, we ended up taking the HDB loan instead to prevent a delay in key collection. 

Moving on to the fun bit - Actually opening the doors of your new flat. From viewing the 3D renditions of HDB more than 3 years ago, to watching our project grow from the ground up - Finally! We get to step into our very first property. It was a very special moment for us when we stepped into our apartment.

Of course we had to do the oligatory 'pineapple roll' to bless my new flat with good fortune. (see this for an explanation - mine was a variation)
HUAT AR~~~ (Good Fortune!)

With the keys in hand, we are now beginning in earnest to do the furniture hunt. Yes, HUNT! You have to hone your bargaining skills, trust your instincts and go for the jugular! We've been making our rounds at Tai Seng, Sungei Kadut to look for furniture and bathroom wares. So far its 'all look and no buy' as we are still looking for the best deal that can fit our style and budget.


Saturday 6 October 2012

Apartment Anticipation

My new apartment is coming! This will be my first apartment with my husband. I'm totally bursting with anticipation and itching to get my hands on the keys. In less then 1 month, I'd be straddled with  a mortgage, but all I can think about is what colour scheme and theme I should use!

Mine will be 5 room HDB flat about 116 sqm - 3 bedrooms, 2 toilets, a balcony, service yard, bomb shelter, living room and kitchen.

Below are some inspirational photos I have for my kitchen.

The dining table appears to be an extension of the kitchen. The colour scheme is warm, orange and the copious amount of woodwork gives this place an outdoorsy feeling. I'm not so sure about the "pumpkin" light though. Did you notice the giant fork and spoon on the left? 
We plan to tear down one of our kitchen wall to fulfill our dreams of an open concept kitchen. As we do not have the space to do an island, we will settle for  breakfast table. This butcher block wood-top with side storage seems like the perfect scheme for my breakfast table. Instead of a woven baskets, I'm thinking wine storage racks.

Finally, the big reveal, my apartment layout dimensions on paper. The actual dimensions of the room is smaller as you have to take into account the thick walls. Can you guess which wall I'm knocking down?

Putting Yourself Out There in the WWW Isn't Easy

Hi, today I've decided to embark on a new blog.

Writing blogs is nothing new to me.

I've shared the the occasional snippets online, raving about the food I've indulged in or the new awesome places I've been to. There are also the occasional emo entries which allude to my mood swings. But nothing in depth. A few random one-liners which beat about the bush, sound sad but is actually pretty incohesive.

The truth of the matter is, deep down I want attention, but at the time, I treasure my online privacy. I want to reveal myself to you, share my thoughts with you, the stranger sitting in the far corners of the world, but I do not want you to know who I really am. Funny how the internet brings you closer to me, but at the same time, I can chose to push you away. These two forces of attraction and repulsion to the online blog-sphere have for a period of time driven me to chose a life of a Facebook hermit and an online lurker.

But today, I've decided to step into the light and join the fold. I have started this public blog. A blog that I want to share with online community. One that I will be happy to share with my family, friends and yes, even strangers.

The momentum for this has been building up slowly at the back of my mind. Everytime I learn something new, I think to myself, "Hey this is an useful tip that I want to share with everyone".

Today I am taking my first baby steps, and I am going to share with you my life's journey - Imbued with Love.

<3 - Zeny

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