Saturday 6 October 2012

Putting Yourself Out There in the WWW Isn't Easy

Hi, today I've decided to embark on a new blog.

Writing blogs is nothing new to me.

I've shared the the occasional snippets online, raving about the food I've indulged in or the new awesome places I've been to. There are also the occasional emo entries which allude to my mood swings. But nothing in depth. A few random one-liners which beat about the bush, sound sad but is actually pretty incohesive.

The truth of the matter is, deep down I want attention, but at the time, I treasure my online privacy. I want to reveal myself to you, share my thoughts with you, the stranger sitting in the far corners of the world, but I do not want you to know who I really am. Funny how the internet brings you closer to me, but at the same time, I can chose to push you away. These two forces of attraction and repulsion to the online blog-sphere have for a period of time driven me to chose a life of a Facebook hermit and an online lurker.

But today, I've decided to step into the light and join the fold. I have started this public blog. A blog that I want to share with online community. One that I will be happy to share with my family, friends and yes, even strangers.

The momentum for this has been building up slowly at the back of my mind. Everytime I learn something new, I think to myself, "Hey this is an useful tip that I want to share with everyone".

Today I am taking my first baby steps, and I am going to share with you my life's journey - Imbued with Love.

<3 - Zeny

Please subscribe.  Leave comments. I'd like to hear from you, and I'd do my best to build this blog up.

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