Friday 21 December 2012

Shopping for Pre-loved Dishwasher Online in Singapore

I would just like to share my experience of getting a dishwasher online.

Dishwashers are not common at all in Singapore. I've had people rolling their eyes when I told them that I was getting a dishwasher. I get comments like "Is it necessary?"  "Chinese cooking is not suited to dishwasher" "Dishwashers can't clean very well"... etc

Well, as a modern woman who believes in being using human wisdom (technology) to liberate herself from the chores of married life, I think dishwasher as mu top priority for appliance purchase.

However, a good dishwasher (Bosch) can cost more than S$1K in Singapore. So what to do?

Get second-hand ones online! I realised that dishwashers are very popular with angmos and lots of foreigners deployed to Singapore have one. When their contract ends, they sell the dishwashers online at a fraction of the costs when they leave Singapore.

Most the advertisements for dishwashers online are in good condition, some even still under warranty, and more often than not, you see phrases like hardly used. I believe, it's hardly used because after they come to Singapore, they would realise that it's cheaper to eat out than to cook, and hence the dishwashers that they purchased here would be underutilised.

There are usually quite a few advertisements per month online for second-hand dishwasher and prices can range from S$200-800 depending on age, brand and condition.

I went for a 3year old Bosch in good condition. The reason I chose Bosch was because I feel that if I'm getting anything second-hand, I would want a reliable (less likely to break down brand). Also most people online are selling Bosch second hand, so if I need a replacement, it won't be too hard to find another online. There are also people selling Elba dishwasher online, but second-hand dishwashers are already pretty cheap, so I don't feel I'd want a potentially lousier dishwasher that's most likely third or fourth hand.

 My Bosch baby was however self-collection. And I must warn you, dishwashers are damn HEAVY and BIG. I was driving a Toyota 1.6L with my hubby and we barely managed to fit it into the front seat. It was also potentially dangerous as the left side-mirror was blocked by the dishwasher and I had to be the extra pair of eyes for left turns. So go for delivered dishwashers if there's such an option!

Places to search for second-hand dishwashers are


PS: I got mine through Craiglist. Also, things posted online get picked through pretty quick, so you have to browse every few days.

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